Southern Academy Christian School
A learning center that values the support of the community. A facility with an open-door policy where parents would be welcome. A diverse staff where children from all backgrounds can identify with someone that looks like them. A place where parents and teachers can partner together for the success of the child/children. It is said it takes a village to raise a child. We hope to be that village! Our passion is to see children develop and achieve their full potential through making learning fun. A childcare center 3 months to 5 years old and private school pre-K to 12 grade that provides premier education. Southern Academy Christian School center’s around Biblical Teaching dedicated to the structuring and building of tomorrow’s future our children.
As a nanny with over 35 years of experience, my primary goal has always been to nurture and care for our most precious gifts – our children. At our childcare center, we recognize that education goes beyond the basics of A.B.C and 1.2.3. Our role as caregivers is to instill skills that help children grow into well-rounded individuals.
While mastery of the alphabet, counting, and the calendar is important, it is equally vital to encourage a child’s curiosity through project-based learning. By conducting investigations and exploring their surroundings, children are challenged to use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. From understanding materials, tools and the process of recognizing the contributions of others, hands-on projects are an excellent way to foster intellectual development while promoting social and emotional growth.
Our vision at Southern Academy Christian School is to see children nurtured and cared for as they should.A facility that is safe and fun, where children can express how they feel, grow and learn.
Where imagination can flourish and dreams come alive, were self esteem and self image is a priority and art, music and academics can thrive. Where the laughter never stops and play leads to them finding out who they are.
Freedom and Discovery
Children will be free to explore and discover with various kitchen utensils, boxes, scarfs, blocks and books and a variety of age-appropriate toys “Toys don’t educate a child, a child is educated by their use of the toy.” Structured and unstructured play, social learning through dramatic play is a natural part of a child’s personal and social exploration. Implementing this way of teaching and educating would be the base of our facility.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
By implementing guidance and strategically preventing undesirable behavior in children we as teachers and caregivers must support a desirable behavior. Parents and teachers can work together to improve and support behavior that is of a positive nature, first we must identify the conflict or problem discuss and share possible solutions, ideas and feelings. Re-enact the scenario, find solutions individually or collectively to help better the child’s behavior.
Proverbs 22:6- Train up a child in the way they should go: and when they are older, they will not depart from it.